Ernst Altien Ernst Altien on juried exhibitions. First juried exhibition. Hilleroed Art Days. 2007. In the recent years Ernst Altien has been devoting more time to his art again after going in many directions for years. One day he told me: Yes I know I have been chasing many wild Goose, but that was all I could do. Was it a fault? I don´t know what to say. That was the way I had to follow. No regrets. But if I had known in those days, what I know today, things might have looked different. From his new insight and with the help of a friend, with whom he meets regulary and with whom he divides his thoughts and goals, he made up his mind to send some paintings to a juried exhibition, where they were admitted. That was - he felt himself - after having been in the desert of art life from the great fire of 83, a signpost for the road for him to follow in the last years of his life. You can see some of his pictures on the exhibition in the Art Days of Hillerød in may 2007. Much contarary to his shyness he attended the Fernisage of the exhibition, but I have removed his face on the photograph on his wish.
Second juried exhibition. Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling. 2011. In the summer of 2011 Ernst Altien tried to get accepted on the prestigous exhibition and was admitted.
Third juried exhibition. RÅ, Roskilde Open 2011. At first Ernst was a bit reluctant to try to get accepted at the juried exhibition, maybe because I had been part of it in 2010. But at last he let me bring three paintings to the jury and was admitted. He even got a 2. award.
After the exhibition I met Ernst Altien in a small cafe. You can read about the meeting here.